Morning Montessori and alternative education

The different option to conventional education

Separador Mandarina

Imagine a place where time passes more slowly, where we can grow without haste, at our own pace ... to be able to entertain ourselves in watching the ants.

Imagine a place where the game is our most important activity , where every corner is designed so that our innate curiosity is the engine of our learning.

Imagine that the people who accompany that place do it with the eyes of girls, with respect and absolute confidence in our abilities. Listening (not with the ears, but with the heart) all our emotions and who know how to speak our magical language.

Imagine, that the methodology is based on empathy and that programming is designed to learn how to make paper planes, to untangle tangles, to follow the footsteps of fairies and to dance on the clouds.
You imagine?

Do not imagine, come and meet us, the doors of our house are always open.                                 

Mornings based on methodologies and open education

What is Mandarina Morning Montessori?

With love and respect

Separador Mandarina
Info portada mañanas Montessori

The Morning Nursery is a precursor and alternative to full nursery school. You can bring your little one for hours at a time, certain days or even full weeks of morning sessions - we can adapt to you.

Who is it for? Babies aged 0-3

Mandarina philosophy and values

Freedom with responsibility: we firmly believe in the child, and that giving them increasingly more autonomy in a safe environment where they can easily express their feelings and emotions is best for their development.

Traditional values like love, respect, community, responsibility, gratitude and a passion for learning

Careful use of materials, the learning environment and the attention to detail

Teaching through imitation: which is dynamic and interactive

We will always respect the speed at which the child develops, as each and every one is unique

Small groups , to ensure that all the above points are given with quality and we achieve trust and attachment

Descubre las mañanas Mandarina en tu centro:

Growing up together

Project Philosophy

Separador Mandarina

From Mandarina garden, we propose an alternative to traditional schooling , based on a respectful accompaniment with the needs of the creatures

We offer a family socialization space , warm and close in which educators trained in alternative pedagogies , accompany your baby, while you have the opportunity to take time to take care of yourself, work from our Coworking , socialize with other families and share moments of play with your baby

How do we differentiate?

The companion of the project is an educator trained in alternative pedagogies and in constant training.

We perform a bonding period based on attachment theory

We work with small groups

We use ecological materials and prepared environments

We promote healthy eating and self-regulated

We offer support to the families in the upbringing

The school of happy children

Where we are all in family

Separador Mandarina

Mandarina garden is an innovative place, so we want to introduce new alternatives to child growth ... creative alternatives that help our children grow up hopeful, surrounded by imagination and creativity

Mandarina Baby Resort Morning Nursery was born out of this idea. It is the perfect alternative for babies to start to learn how to relate to others and interact. It's where they will discover the world for themselves, through fun, play and a touch of English.

If your little one is less than 3 years old and you don't want to send them to nursery school just yet, then Mandarina Baby Resort Morning Nursery is your best option!

Our proposal is based on the creation of a relaxed and safe environment where children can:

  • To feel comfortable
  • Speak freely
  • Explore, experiment, face limits, overcome difficulties
  • Learn how, when and in the way that is all things
  • Remember: Group sizes are small, so prior registration is necessary.

    Art Studio for babies

    Diaper art play group

    Separador Mandarina

    Playgroup for babies is a sensory and artistic experience for children who walk up to three years into our Montessori Mornings Growing Together.

    The playgroup is not an educated class, the role of the instructors is to establish invitations to play, create a safe and welcoming environment for children and help build community for the group.

    Our playgroup is an experience for the child to explore new and engaging activities at the pace of each of the participants.

    Group play activities include but are not limited to exploring with slime, dough, sand, clay, mixed media collage, painting, sifting, transferring, and much more.

    Meet our Playgroups with Art for Diapers

    Playgroup runs in 4-week sessions

    Duration of each session of 1 hour (approx.)

    Requires prior registration before each session

    The group is limited to 10/12 children depending on the activity

    Art play group for babies in Mandarina garden Mornings

    Coworking and Cogrowing Space

    Your family and project growing up!

    Separador Mandarina

    Spaces of "cogrowing" and coworking to live new experiences. Mandarina garden is a children's leisure space inspired by children , in its fantasy, its wit and its capacity to surprise. From its beginnings, Mandarina garden set out to be a place where children could live new experiences, becoming a meeting point for fathers and mothers who share concerns about nurturing and nutrition. Thus, Mandarina is already a "cogrowing" space, a stimulating and inspiring leisure place also for parents, who can attend workshops or simply work with their laptop in the SlowCafé, designed and thought to facilitate the reconciliation .

    Mandarina garden Coworking and Cogrowing space
    Mandarina garden is your office every morning

    Co-Growing is born. The difficulty to reconcile work and family is a stress factor especially for families with small children. In Mandarina garden we have created a collaborative space where working, sharing knowledge and educating simultaneously is possible . In Mandarina garden both children and adults practice educational leisure and creative work from the reality of each family. With flexible hours, teleworking is considered as a productive and motivating solution.

    The trend towards the consolidation of new labor models such as teleworking or the normalization of those activities associated with freelancers suggests a progressive adaptation of companies to more flexible collaboration approaches. This fact is allowing our society a subject that has been pending for too long: the reconciliation of work and personal life.

    Despite this gradual entry of conciliation into the corporate responsibility plans of certain companies, which understand their value when it comes to attracting and retaining talent, data extracted from the first Barometer of Conciliation in Spain indicate that the social assessment of the state of the Reconciliation has decreased with respect to pre-crisis levels.

    Mandarina garden Coworking and Cogrowing Flyers

    The widespread awareness of this problem leads a growing number of entrepreneurs to be interested in finding solutions to it. To identify the new reconciliation needs derived from these new job profiles. As a result, more and more projects are born with it as a center or, at least, as an important and unavoidable factor within the general business model. These are initiatives that, based on concepts such as "flexibility" or "adaptability", offer versatile services that make it easier for professionals with children to develop their activities. The keyword is co-growing. A neologism that seeks to define this new class of alternatives capable of making the leisure of children compatible with the professional needs of parents.

    The offer of Mandarina garden has been growing and evolving as users have been providing feedback during these years. Today, the space offers a SlowCafé for parents, in addition to daily activities (workshops, Montessori Mares, etc.) and structured initiatives around periods where parents can find difficulties for conciliation: summer, Christmas, Back to School, Easter, etc.

    It is precisely the parents who have been gaining prominence within Mandarina garden. In their "School of Parents", attendees participate in talks and workshops that provide keys in areas such as nutrition, breastfeeding, emotional development, tantrums, etc. "We have evolved naturally with society, children and their families. We are now more than a children's leisure center. We have become a meeting point for fathers and mothers who feel the need to share experiences one by one and live the upbringing in a more bearable way without giving up your life Feeling at first hand your affection and your gratitude makes it clear to me that initiatives of this type are not only attractive, they are necessary. "

    We offer

    A work space and respectful upbringing at the same time
    Flexible schedule
    Prepared work environment: Full breakfast, wifi connection, printer, office material
    BabyResort under the Montessori methodology with Game Group and Talks with great professionals
    Check availability and prices with our bonuses in your Mandarina center

    We solve all your doubts by WhatsApp

    Contactar por WhatsApp
    Mandarina garden Coworking and Cogrowing General information

    The alternative to traditional nursery school and Coworking y Co-growing in Alicante, Barakaldo, Castro, Daimiel, La Seu d'Urgell, Panamá y El Puerto de Santa María